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"If i could burn with a cigarette the precise spot in my heart in which you are, there will be a perfect little empty hole free of you"

- 2009 © Lizé Santana

"Retrouvez moi dans mes chansons"

- Lizé Santana

"Our service as songwriters, is the ability to capture people’s moments or experiences and induce it into 3-4 min poetry and music time capsules… giving sense and validation to an emotional experience, in a poetic and musical ride"

- Lizé Santana

"Mi alma reflejada en sus ojos… es lo que observo."

- Lizé 

#freedom #freedomshowcase #artbasel #artcollection #rebels #wynwood
#freedom #artbasel #wynwood #miamiartbasel #artshowcase #artcollection @thesharkdaymond @jalenjames @nulise @lizemusic

I Surrender


#rebel4ever #rebel #lizemusic #indiethinker #freespirit #openheart